Sunday, January 18, 2009


October 30, 1945

MaryJane Hansen married Ralph G. Davitt on Oct 3, 1945. They honeymooned at Niagara Falls.

It looks like dad's family got together with them. Maybe this is the first time they met Ralph's wife?

Uncle Alan is wearing a cassock, so he is probably in the seminary--perhaps he was in Woodstock and that is why they went there? Okay, wait. I just looked it up. Woodstock College was a Jesuit seminary from 1869 to 1974. At this time, it was located in Woodstock, Maryland, west of Baltimore. So they did go there to visit him.

Ralph G. and MaryJane Hansen Davitt

Ralph, Joe
Alan, MaryJane, Bob

Bob, Alan
Joe, their mother, Ralph

Bob, Alan, Joe, Ralph

Ralph, and MaryJane, Dot and Joe

1 comment:

pat said...

I thought they honeymooned in New York City. Mom talked about seeing "Oklahoma" on stage? But I do have a tendency to get things mixed up.