Sunday, January 4, 2009

War College, 1961 - 1962

Dad was selected to attend the War College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama. A photographer arrived shortly after the furniture did and took this picture for the yearbook. That's Greg, Terry, Mom/MaryJane, Rick, Steve, Digger, Pat.

Montgomery was in racial turmoil during this time. The Freedom Riders arrived in Montgomery in May of 1961.

With dad at War College, he was privy to some of the plans the Air Force had for dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis. He talked with me about emergency evacuation of the family in the event that the Russians didn't stand down. It was a tense time.

Digger's next assignment was to the NATO forces in Ramstein AB, Germany. Housing for us wasn't available, so we moved to another rental house for the next 6 months (Steve won an ice cream-making machine and Rick imagined he climbed a phone pole at this address.) Dad went to Germany without us. We followed in December.

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