Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Terry Davitt's Wedding

From left to right: Digger, Greg, Terry, Moose (our best man,) Mike, Terry Rauh, Mike Rauh (Mike's sister's boys,) Pat's hair bow, G'ma Hansen (Erika Hansen), Rick, MaryJane.


Derek Burdette said...

What an array of characters! Is Digger reading the paper?

Keep 'em coming Terry, I am having a blast checking out all the pics.

Terry Davitt Powell said...

Reading the paper? No! He is checking out the marriage certificate. I always thought this picture was funny for that reason. Everyone is celebrating and happy and it looks like dad was making sure the marriage was legal. Our relationship really changed after I got married. (for the better) My guess was that he was no longer "responsible" for me---so if I screwed up in some way, it wouldn't reflect on him. Either here on earth, or up in heaven!

Derek Burdette said...

I guess that is clear on further inspection, you can even see the formal seal and all on the certificate. I guess when I first looked I hadn't even considered this (very obvious) option.