When I was born, Mom and Dad lived in this house. According to Google Earth, it is still there. The address is 111 Wright Street, Sumter, SC. If you look at the left side, you can see their car in front of the garage. These three photos are dated 3/2/46.

This may be the first car dad ever owned. I have no idea what it is. Anybody?

So it just came to me. A DeSoto? I looked it up and here's a photo of a 38 DeSoto. The grill isn't exactly the same, but everything else looks good to me.

April, 1950: Easter in Montgomery, Alabama. Mom and I are sitting in our 1949 Lincoln Cosmopolitan. Black. Two door model. This car went on a ship to Japan where it was a huge hit with the Japanese. When we lived in in the Japanese house, Dad used to cram it full of little kids and drive them around. (We lived across the street from an orphanage, so there was no shortage of little kids.) I also have memories of driving down really skinny streets and there being concern over whether or not the car would fit. Sometimes we had to back up and go on another road.
I sat behind Mom, and Greg sat behind Digger. I think I remember Mom saying she learned to drive in this car. It had the amazing feature of automatic windows. I remember Dad l.o.v.e.d this car!

Because Dad grew up in the Bronx, he didn't need to have a car. The subway would take him anywhere he wanted to go. Mom talked about him learning to drive in Utah. Tthe first time they drove by a farm with cows he had to get out of the car to go look at it. He was so excited to see a cow in real life. (The Bronx is a bovine-free zone.)
1 comment:
It was just the start of a love affair with automobiles that followed him to the TRs at the end of his life. I remember asking him when I was a little girl "how do you know the names of every car that you see?" and him replying "I read about them in the newspaper."
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